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Products - Rahi Hear & Care - Multi Digital Hearing Aids Products in Ahmedabad

Since hearing loss typically occurs gradually, many people do not realize the damaging effects that occur with hearing changes. As India ages and with Baby Boomers expected to live longer than any previous generation, hearing impairment will reach new levels in coming decades. Currently, only about one in fifty people with hearing loss seek appropriate treatment which is particularly alarming since untreated hearing loss can lead to an increase in depression, feelings of anxiety and isolation from family and friends.

BTE (Behind the Ear)

This instruments are reliable and offer greater fitting flexibility. They fit comfortably behind the ear while amplified sound passes down a tube to a customized earmold which fits in your ear. Because they are larger, can accommodate bigger batteries for longer life and larger amplifiers for maximum amplification. This type of the hearing aids are best for severe to profound degree hearing loss. They are big so easy to handle for elderly people and small children.

RIC (Receivers in the Canal)

RICs are latest technology with futuristic design. It is the form of BTEs but the tube is very thin. One can easily hide this slim tube and small instrument behind the ear. In this instrument receiver placed in the ear canal and microphone and amplifier are fixed at behind the ear and that's why its size is remarkable small. Particularly those patients who are very much size sensitive and having severe degree hearing loss can benefit with this style. Its both tiny and stylish, with ultra-light weight with extremely comfortable.

ITC (In The Canal)

This hearing aids are custom made to fit the size and shape of your ear canal. ITC aids offer a variety of amplification solutions that would have previously required a larger instrument. As it fits in the ear canal it gives more comfort and easy to adopt. As it is not that much noticeable, patients of middle and early elder people prefer to go for this style.

CIC (Completely in the Canal)

CIC – micro technology allows this type of hearing aid to be worn deep inside the ear canal. They are almost invisible when worn. However, not everyone can wear a CIC. Consult your hearing healthcare professional to determine if this type of hearing aid is suitable for you. Now-a-days newer technology had made this tiny instrument very powerful.


Good hearing is key to understanding your world. This is especially true within the family, at work, with friends and for many social activites


When you experience hearing loss, many aspects of life can become increasingly difficult. Conversations with loved ones, meetings..

Hearing Aid Trail

We at RAHI HEAR & CARE understand how reassuring it is to know you can hear sounds like the doorbell, a baby crying or the rustle of...

Hearing Aid Fitting

Rahi Hear & Care is the leading provider of Digital, Multi Digital Hearing Aids in city. Our office is conveniently located in the heart..